Friday, October 29, 2010

feels like fall

feeling a lot like fall around here. it has been down-right chilly this week. here are some of the things we've been up to...
made a scare-crow for our door
read our favorite fall book, "in the leaves," by huy voun lee and had a friend come teach w some simple characters
took a snooze
enjoyed some indoor playdates
and gobbled up some killer sweet potatoes (with lots of butter and brown sugar of course)

that's our week. how has fall been treating you?

1 comment:

  1. You have done an amazing job creating a "home" there, Meg! That is a gift. You have a unique ability to make everything special and beautiful and memorable for A & W. Those little touches will mean the world to them, especially when they grow up! It goes to show that it doesn't matter where you live, you can still create a happy and "normal" childhood (by our standards) for your kids anywhere... and you are doing just that! It's very admirable. :)
