Friday, May 6, 2011

rain, spicy fish, and beautiful girls

so we spent last weekend with one of our dearest friends here. he wanted to take us on a short trip to a town a couple hours from here and also introduce us to his new and very sweet girlfriend.

every city, town, and village is famous for something in this country and this place was no exception. our friend was quick to inform us that this place was famous for rain, spicy fish, and beautiful women. awesome! the trip turned out to be a delight, contrary to my lack of enthusiasm. it was beautiful, w had lots of fun being outside, the fish was really quite yummy, and we had a very meaningful time with our friends.

here are some pics:

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, but... who/what is pulling W in that little cart (2nd pic from the top)??? It's kind of freaking me out! Lol
